The story takes place in Monstropolis, a city inhabited by all kinds of creatures.
In the heart of the city is located the treatment plant for children's cries, the energy needed by the city.
Monsters visit children's homes through closet doors every day to collect their precious cries to turn them into energy for the city.
A funny green mini-cyclops assisted by a big monster, Sullivan, who knows how to petrify and paralyze without ever touching, since any physical contact with a human child would be fatal.
But times are tough for the terror duo, the children don't scream as easily as they used to and the town is on the brink of an energy crisis.
Sullivan finds a closet door left alone in the deserted factory.
As he enters the room, he discovers that it is empty, and soon realizes that the little girl who lives there has followed him into the world of monsters.
While Sullivan is terrified of the little one, because he believes that human children are poisonous, this one is not at all scared of the monster.
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